Entrepreneur Liz Strauss is Co-Founder SOBCON and If you have been involved with Social Media, chances are you know who Liz Strauss is. If you're getting into it, she's a great person to get to know. …
Better With Time
Are you Better With Time? Every day an Entrepreneur let's slide by is another day lost. It doesn't matter what the economic condition is, it's always been that way and suspect that it always will. …
Engaging in Google Plus
Google Plus is all the rage, some saying that it's going to knock off Facebook. My thought initially was, I didn't get it, but I didn't get Facebook either so that doesn't mean much. My second …
How You Can Find A Way To Make Money
Trying to find a way to make money can be challenging for many people. In fact, chances are you're reading this because you want to find a way to make money online, or through other avenues has been …
Business Blogs – Great For Entrepreneurs
I started a business blogging because I've been a serial entrepreneur for over 30 years, yet I'm in my forties which is a prime time for most Entrepreneurs. I've started a business in many different …
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Play by the Rules That Exist Ignore the Ones That Don’t
Play by the rules that exist, ignore the ones that don't exist, or are imaginary in your head. We make up these imaginary boundaries that keep us form success because we think it's wrong or we aren't …
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