Trying to find a way to make money can be challenging for many people. In fact, chances are you're reading this because you want to find a way to make money online, or through other avenues has been difficult for you.
I know why, but I'm not going to tell you that I have always easily made money, that wouldn't be true. I'm not even going to tell you that is is easy to find a way to make money now, that's not true either. I've struggled with the same issues you have.
So why should you listen to me? I have the answer as to why it's so difficult to find a way to make money online or anywhere else. In fact, I even have the answer to how YOU can find a way to make money.
Our biggest obstacle is our own self-doubt. Like anyone else will tell you, if you don't believe you can do it, you won't. You didn't need me to tell you that, but you do need me to ask you why not? Why can't you do it? What is holding you back from believing that you're capable of doing more and going farther than you have ever gone before? This is key if you want to find a way to make money. You have to believe in yourself. You don't need someone else to believe in you, just yourself.
Start by going to an intersection with a walk/don't walk sign. Do you wait for the sign to say walk? If you do, this is the first reason why you struggle with taking a risk .
Go the nearest intersection with a walk/don't walk light and walk when the sign says don't walk as long as there are no vehicles coming. If it's clear walk, don't wait for the sign. That's what entrepreneurs do all the time. Make sure you're looking for vehicles that you might not have seen before. When you get to the other side, ask yourself if you feel some freedom that you actually took a calculated risk by walking across the street when the sign said don't while you vigilantly checked for vehicles.
Let me know when you have discovered that you are capable to find a way to make money and then we can continue the discussion on how to make that happen. Leave a comment telling me that you believe in yourself and have the power to do this. I'll write you back.