Do you wonder is God who you think He is? He is entirely different from who I thought he was before I started my journey, studying the Bible from cover-to-cover. My vision of God changed again …
Why My Faith is So Important to Me
As you can tell, more of my post is on why faith is so important to me. I'm growing as a follower of Christ, seeing proof that God is willing to do wonders in our daily walk. I want to share that with …
Getting Past Denial – Start Living Today
The process of getting past denial is huge for anyone who needs to go through recovery. Might I suggest that there are a lot of us who need to go through the recovery process? I know that the process …
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I Say the Serenity Prayer Every Day
It's true, for over a year now, I say the Serenity Prayer every day. You might recognize the Serenity Prayer if you know anything about AA(Alcoholics Anonymous) which uses an abridged version of the …
Little Bit of Faith Goes A long Way
Let's be real. My life has pretty much been a bullet train flying down the track, or a train wreck. Everything Changed in the last half of 2018. I gained a little bit of faith that goes a long way …
Read The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis
I just finished reading the Four Loves by C.S. Lewis, a revised version from the 1960's. The book is somewhat difficult to understand, as many of the words cease to exist in today's verbiage. Some …