Most people believe God won't give you more than you can handle, but He won't allow a temptation greater than you can manage without a way out. The Bible verse on Temptation is 1 Corinthians 10:13, …
Why Don’t We Have A Bigger Heart For God?
What are we missing, why don't we have a bigger heart for God? Are we as Christians pushing too many people away by using rules? Why do so many Church communities create rules, legalistic rules …
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Doing God’s Work and Listening To Him
Are you listening to god or are you doing God's work? Most of us are looking to God's word. Some of us will read the Bible, others will attend Church on Sunday, but how many are doing God's …
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Feeling the Holy Spirit Inside of Us
Feeling the Holy Spirit at work inside of you is the most incredibly powerful feeling you can have. It is a power that is beyond you, not you, but God brought you to him, working through you. The …
Waiting for Perfect Weather, Missing out on the Harvest
I've been waiting for perfect weather, which caused me to avoid moving forward. Winter has been so devastating that it has set me back months in the great work I had begun. The problem is I don't …
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Well In My Soul – Mercy Me Inspired Thoughts
There's a song by Mercy Me, called "Even If," and it ends with being well in my soul. How many times are we in that moment that we have to say, "even if," and end up being well in our soul? That's …
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