Have you asked, “Why do I need a website?” Some of you maybe, but most anyone starting a business will automatically assume you need a website.
That's why you should take a step back and ask, “Why do I need a website?” Answering this question will help you to get the most out of your online marketing strategy.
You don't have to be a business owner to ask this question. Anyone thinking of building a website should ask, “Why do I need a website?”
Our goal is to help you define your needs and then put the tools in place to accomplish a satisfactory outcome.
Topics we will cover include:
- The foundation for building a great website
- Tools that we will use that make your site work for you
- How to get started creating content for your site with a minimal investment
Do you need a website?
Many online marketers do not have a website. Many Youtube celebrities go without developing a website, and even some people who leverage Facebook do so with only their Facebook fan page.
My thought is that the website is a central clearinghouse for publishing material across many platforms at once. Just Publish your post and use automation to deliver to Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, as well as other social media platforms.
The content your website contains is controlled by you, unlike the content published on social media channels.
If you are planning on marketing online, you need a website. Planning your content on your Website is paramount to having a successful site.
Why do I need a Website for my audience?
There are several reasons why having an online presence makes complete sense.
- You will reach new customers and better serve your existing clients.
- Create an opportunity for your customers to showcase your services through reviews and community.
- Provide a convenient way for your audience to connect with you. Allow them to access you on mobile, tablet and desktop devices.
- Communicate your skills, qualifications, and even establish a personal relationship through your story online.
Sell, Service, and Schedule Online
Websites give you the opportunity to sell products, schedule appointments, and even service your customers 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Your online presence becomes a virtual employee that works round the clock and doesn't complain! Talk about a great opportunity.
Free WordPress Website Setup – Do I need a website?
One of the biggest reasons most people go without a website is the time and effort it takes to setup their online presence. They know they want to have one online, but they don't know how to get it done.
The good news is, I do offer a free WordPress Website Setup that will get you started. Click on this link to learn more about the free WordPress Website.
Make your company accessible through Mobile, Tablets, and Desktop
Many websites have telephone numbers that are clickable allowing their clients to dial their smartphones, tablets, and desktops right from the site.
Hyperlinking the phone number keeps your audience from having to look up in the telephone book or online directories. Make contact easier for your audience, and you will have less competition.
Do I need a website to blog?
Are you thinking of blogging, and if so are you asking, “Do I need a website to blog?” The answer is no, but you should have a website that has a blog. Some places allow you to blog without having a website. The catch is, the content you write no longer belongs to you when you publish. The best way to control your content, and establish a blogger's audience is to have your site.
The more you blog, the stronger your site becomes. My site contains well over 500 posts. Some of my friends have blogs with over 10,000 posts. They make a lot of money just blogging on their sites.
Yes, blogging is a slow process taking years to build up an audience, but the reward is huge for those of us who are tenacious enough to stick with it.
Blogging is an excellent way to build credibility and the size of your audience. You control the content and direct your vision to each post. You might even be able to monetize your content with Affiliate Marketing, another way to make money online.