Rinse and Repeat. We all need to “Rinse and Repeat,” instead we try to change up, what needs consistency.
Take a look at Gary Vaynerchuk, a guy who is Mr. Rinse and Repeat. He delivers a similar message over and over. He connects with people in a very intimate way, and at the same time will call people out.
The Bible tells us not to judge others, but others will always judge us. We need to ignore those that judge and focus on what works, and what works is Rinse and Repeat. I know it, you know it, we need to do it.
Speaking of the Bible, as you may know, I read the Bible cover-to-cover in less than seven weeks. Very few church-going self-identified Christians have read the Bible cover-to-cover. How did I do it? I read consistently every single day. Every word, including the Genealogy, along with all of the stories that are repeated in each book of the Bible. What if we approached life with that kind of effort?
John Chow is another friend who is a master of Rinse and Repeat. John started writing a blog to update his family overseas and turned that blog into a “How to make money online” resource.
Now, John focuses on a program that generates a substantial amount of revenue. He changed from casual to wearing a suit with a pink tie, still doing his “Driving with John Chow” series. Life is good for John, showing off his flash and new possessions.
Gary V, John Chow, Pat Flynn all Rinse and Repeat
John's approach is unique to Gary V's, in that Gary is raw and not about flash, but out a motivational punch in the face.
Another person who perfected Rinse and Repeat is Pat Flynn, a guy who got who launched his blog while we were in a group called “Internet Business Mastery.”
Pat Flynn knew nothing about Internet Marketing, and I was miles ahead of him in expertise and development of my blog. Pat stayed with consistently learning and doing. I chose to shift my model, and reinvent myself.
Pat is killing it with Smart Passive Income, while I am going back and working my business again, this time working on Rinse and Repeat.
The three mentioned above created a name for themselves talking about motivation, business and you. They all are encouragers of living the dream, having the freedom to do what you love and doing it in three similar but very different ways.
Rinse and Repeat define the process that all three use every single day.