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Puppy Cake Shark Tank Pitch and After Show Update

Puppy Cake - Shark Tank

Puppy Cake

Puppy Cake is a canine friendly cake that dogs eat without dietary problems. It capitlizes on pet owners who love to spoil their animals. Kelly Chaney is from Mark Cuban's hometown, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Each cake requires eggs, oil and water, and comes with Yogurt frosting. The dogs love puppy cakes. A regular cake is not healthy for dogs.

Sales to date run $80,000 for Puppy Cake in four years of business. The company has over 150 retailers offering Kelly's product in their stores. Her cakes are in many dog magazines. She sold $23,000 in the previous year. She thinks the product is viable because she has done almost no advertising.

Lori shares her mother-in-law makes cookies for their dog. And, 43% of dog owners celebrate their dog's birthday.

Kelly has never attended a trade show because she doesn't have the capital to get in front of them. She has tried calling distributors but she does not get a return call. Kelly adds that sales is not her strong suit.

Puppy Cake Episode Data

What do the Shark Tank Investors say about Puppy Cake?

Puppy Cake after Shark Tank

Evidently, Kelly has the tenacity to keep going with her business, as Puppy Cake are still selling online. She's even added ice cream to her dog treat line. According to Kelly, the sales for the month following the episode were higher than the entire previous year.

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