Entrepreneurs often start their business without taking the time to become an expert in their chosen field. Making this huge mistake might take you to bankruptcy before you even get started. Take the …
Storm Chasers Are Entrepreneurs too
The Discovery channel has one of my favorite shows that feature several entrepreneur Storm Chasers who risk their lives to report data, get video's and provide warnings of impending tornado's to local …
Connect With Like-Minded People
How many times have you met an entrepreneur who tells you that they have a great product, but they can't tell you what it is because they don't want anyone to steal their idea? I would bet almost …
Successful Entrepreneurs Practice Their Skills
Picture this, you go to the local Karate place and you tell the instructor you want to be a black belt. He tells you to come to class three times a week, and to practice every day. At the end of seven …
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Raise Capital By Getting Rid of What You Don’t Use
I have a friend who has a goldmine in his attic. He has so much stuff that he could be debt free if he would just start selling all of his unused stuff on EBay, Craig's List or even at an auction …
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Angel Investor
The Angel Investor is a specific type of investor that will invest in early start-up stage companies. They are investing their own money and are almost always making their investment decisions …