Finally, it is all starting to come together; I'm getting ready for the Good Stuff. After dealing with adversity for quite some time, I am healthy, have a positive forward movement, and am achieving success in multiple areas of my life.
Yes, it is a bumpy ride, but it seems to be smoothing out as each day passes, and I'm getting ready for the Good Stuff.
So, what does that mean for me? First, my health is 100% better than where I was just a few months ago. That makes a significant impact, as I've started working out in the gym to ensure I don't go backward.
Getting Ready for Blog Success
In January, I started to rebuild my blog, writing about the companies appearing on Shark Tank, and am in the process of preparing new content that focuses on Affiliate Marketing education, and how to make money online with your niche. Watch as I launch new material this summer and fall.
The results of this blog are surprisingly good, considering most content is available for a few months, and my traffic is 100% organic search results(That means I don't pay anything to get my audience).
Getting ready for the Good Stuff comes with pain in the process of achieving success, and it's hit home recently. Part of the challenge is having others see you achieve some success.
You begin to attract attention, and people expect a lot. You expect a lot of yourself. We want to have it all, and we want it right now.
Patience is not my friend, and regardless of how well you do, people still judge you on your past. That hurts, and that causes you to steer off course, as you try to keep things together.
Getting Ready for more pain to achieve success
Getting to the Good Stuff comes with great pain, and you'll have what you want coming into your life, but watch it slip out of your grasp. When that happens, you have to suck it up, get back on track and move towards your ultimate goal.
The process of Getting to the Good Stuff is an accumulation of experiences over the last several years. I read the Bible Cover-to-Cover, completely changed the direction of my life by finding out who I am through an extremely challenging process, and even learning who I want in my life.
My desire to succeed is so great, that I took a day job, something that I have not had in over twenty years! All the while of achieving tremendous success with my blog and online business.
The next step is a simplification of what is in my life. Making it more accessible to function and accomplish what is most important is paramount to taking success to the next level, and that's a painful process.
I'm going to have to walk away from what I want most as it turns out, which lacks cooperations and the support I need to achieve real success. Sometimes life works out that way, and those hardest moments are a sign of our most significant strengths, as much as we would like the results to be different.
Regardless, I know what is necessary, without and am doing what it takes. I am Getting to the Good Stuff.
Happy Monday!