Addictions are everywhere. When most people think of habits, they think of alcohol, drugs, food addictions, gambling, or even porn. Many more people deal with addictions that go unrealized.
My Addiction is Diet Pepsi
My awareness of my addiction to Diet Pepsi became real while reading C.S. Lewis's book, “The Four Loves.” He speaks of addiction for what is and the result it provides us.
Lewis writes, (1)”relief from an unbearable craving. So far as he can still discern tastes at all, he rather dislikes it; but it is better than the misery of remaining sober. Yet through all their permutations and combinations, the distinction between the two classes remains tolerably clear. We may call them Need-pleasures and Pleasures of Appreciation.”
Now, Diet Pepsi does not make me drunk, but it does change my mood, and not likely for the better. But, Diet Pepsi doesn't even really taste good to me anymore as I drink a significant amount of it daily. The appreciation for the taste is gone, is more of my water, than anything else.
I have trouble going to sleep, and my stomach seems to be upset more as of late. Should I do without the Diet Pepsi, and is it an addiction?
Yes, it should go, and I've quit it before for extended periods of time. The one thing that happens after an extended period away is the returning pleasure of the taste that I once had.
I think my appreciation of the smooth taste of an expensive bottle of wine would also change to seeing it much the same if I consumed as much of the spirit.
As an addict of Diet Pepsi, it will be somewhat of a struggle to leave the beverage and trade it preferably for water, or something else less likely to become a habit.
And then I can think of other things that become addictions, which are the desired taste, only to become water or worse something that does not taste so well.
Keep Pleasure From Turning To Addiction Via Need
How we see and use things in our life is something we need to be aware of, and manage, as turning our affection into needs which destroy our passions. Realize them for what they are and moderate before they switch from a pleasure to a need.
1 – Lewis, C. S. The Four Loves (pp. 14-15). HarperOne. Kindle Edition.