Writing a blog post for many can be a tormenting process, especially if you don't have passion for what you are blogging about. Having the ability to write a new post every day is a talent that is …
Serial Entrepreneur
The Serial entrepreneur is a person that continuously develops new ideas putting those ideas into action by creating new start-up companies. This is unlike most entrepreneurs who act on a single idea …
Do you need quick cash?
Getting Quick Cash is not always the best idea, but sometimes you need to borrow money. In cases like those, you should consider looking at sources such as 100DayLoans.com, a company that specializes …
LinkedIn, A Tool for Business People
Business professionals who are overlooking LinkedIn are missing a huge opportunity to work on building their business. I admit, I overlooked it myself for many years, but recently began building a …
Engage Serial Entrepreneurs to Get Funded
Start-Up Entrepreneurs often make huge mistakes when starting out. They show desperation searching for money, and they let their prospect, the potential investors see the stress on their face. The …
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Register Yourname.com to Build Credibility
Creating your website/blog with your domain(Yourname.com) will give you more credibility with your customers, investors, vendors and employees. You’re letting people know who you are, which creates a …
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