Barter Kings is a new show on A&E. Two guys work together in a trading shop in Arizona. Steve's worked at a car dealership where he got fired. He decided to start a shop three years ago with his …
Content Optimization Eyes and Search
Where's your content optimization strategy? Is it working for both eyes and search engines? Readers will leave if they can't understand your message and search engines won't get them to your blog …
How To Market Your Products Online
Are you wanting to market your products online, but you don't have a clue? Don't worry, it's not as difficult as you believe and it's cost affective when you work with the right people. Choosing to …
The Easiest Place To Borrow Money
start-up companies are always looking to borrow money and the easiest place I know to get it is called Prosper. They actually give you a loan that is funded by investors who buy into the loan. Now …
Find Successful Blogs At AdAge
Many successful blogs and bloggers exist who make a lot of money writing about topics they are passionate about. You can find many of them in the AdAge Power 150, a list of the top blogs and bloggers …
The First Person You Talk To
I know very quickly what kind of company I am dealing with simply by talking to the first person that answers the phone. This makes a huge impact on who I do business with. Many companies have …