Many people by programs that tell you how to make money, but few actually take the time to do what the program tells you to do.
If you're not willing to do what's necessary to achieve success, you shouldn't be spending money on programs that tell you how to do it. You might do much better by choosing to go back to school, getting a degree and finding a better job. Not everybody is geared to become an entrepreneur and you shouldn't feel bad if that means you.
Many newbie entrepreneurs are gung ho to get started and will buy a program from someone without even taking the time to read the entire pitch page (sales page used to convince you to buy their program.)
For you, I've got some bad news, greater than most of all how to make money programs are complete bullshit and a waste of time. I know, I've wasted far too much money buying make money programs full of stuff that are simply not worth what I said earlier.
If you want a motivational pitch, you can get it right here, I'll even throw in the official, “If I can do it, you can too!” Really!
If you're just getting started out, hold your horses and take your time. There are thousands of strategies to make money online, but you don't want to be caught in hyperspace trying to grab one of them, instead you want to narrow your vision so that you can identify what you want to do first.
Now, I'll go out on a limb and recommend one site for the people that just have to get started right now. That site is Internet Business Mastery and there's a strong reason why I have chosen them to endorse.
Internet Business Mastery has a 30 Day money back guarantee that I like. They also charge by the month, allowing you to literally get out at any time and the mounds of information and support more than make up for the monthly membership fee.
With that said, I'm still recommending that you spend time absorbing the free stuff first, but if you want to go right to one program that really has the ammunition, go to Internet Business Mastery, it's worth the money.