In the past, identifying what customers used to search for information proved to be challenging, but with so many people online, you simply check to see what is being searched for via search engines and you have valuable information.
When you enter a word or phrase into a search engine it is known as a keyword or keyword phrase. This information is recorded and the data is compiled and made available through various sources, some free and some with subscription.
Most searches start out with a single keyword or two and then progress into more words up to and including entire sentences. You might think that focusing on the single word will provide the most opportunity, but the phrases or complete sentence produces a highly targeted customer who knows what they want.
In some cases, when a person is searching for a product, they may have the model number which makes them a highly targeted customer. If you offer the product they are searching for, you will want to be focused on connecting with that customer through various marketing channels.
Keyword research serves two purposes, the first being identifying your topics and focusing your marketing and the second to improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) results, which can be extremely challenging even for people with experience.
Most keyword tools will produce data in many different ways. You should consider every angle you can to ensure maximum results. Pay special attention to seasonal and local searches for the topics that you are interested in.
Keyword research is a major investment in time, however the greater the effort you apply, the better your results will be.
We are going to be looking at all the different tools you can use to find the information you're seeking in the next couple of posts. This is extremely valuable information that you should be seeking out.