Do you wonder how to pick the right WordPress Template? I know what you're going through and I want to help you find the right one for you. When I first started looking I actually bought a couple of template packages.
Each one had a money back guarantee and I took advantage of the guarantee when I finalized on the Studio Press Genesis template package. I ended up going with the developer package which gives me lifetime support and unlimited template use.
I'm not an SEO (search engine optimization) expert and fortunately I've been able to get the results that I've been looking for. Part of it is consistent content written daily, with the other half having the right formatting.
You will have a learning curve to using the templates, but it's far less than what it will take to use any other template that has the power that Studio Press has.
I've got a great offer for you that will make setting up your blog even easier. While I wont write your blog for you, I will set it up to get you started if you purchase your domain through my GoDaddy Link, Your hosting through my Rochen Performance Hosting link and your WordPress Template through my Studio Press link.
When you pick the GoDady Domain, the Rochen Performance Hosting and the Studio Press Genesis template, you're getting the full package. On top of that, you're going to find that I will be showcasing other products and services that compliment this setup and will continue to take your blogging to the next level.
When you have this package, you only need come up with what you want to write about. It doesn't have to be great, you just have to start. The sooner you get going writing your blog the sooner you'll find the success you're searching for.