Do you struggle with the idea of Satan? I did for the longest time, but I’ve come to believe he is real and that he rules this world working diligently to separate us from Christ. My biggest issue …
Can a Christian Struggle with Gender Dysphoria?
Gender Dysphoria is a sensitive topic for many Christians who are struggling to navigate this issue. We are dealing with one of the most divisive issues we've had in a long time. Gender Dysphoria …
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Would you read a Gospel a Day for thirty-two days?
Would you read a Gospel a day for thirty-two days? Pastor Jason Ishmail suggested I do it in January 2022 while doing a Better Man Breakfast Series. Jason and I were discussing reading the …
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Let Go of Our Past and Give it to God!
When we decide to change, we need to let go of our past and give it to God, but that doesn’t mean that we get to forget about our past, let alone expect others to forget about our past. Remembering …
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Set Aside Everything I think I Know
There is a prayer that I learned well over a year ago, one that I should have said every day since, but that I have not started saying until as of recent. It is the "Set Aside Prayer," focusing on …
What We Want Out of Life
Some of us dream about the big picture, what we want out of life. What we want it to look like in a perfect world. Then there are those of us that only look to the next minute. What will make us happy …