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Barter Kings Making Trading Fun

Barter Kings is a new show on A&E. Two guys work together in a trading shop in Arizona. Steve's worked at a car dealership where he got fired. He decided to start a shop three years ago with his buddy Antonio.

Landing on Barter Kings hit home because I recently started bartering myself. I'm trading out web development with a local lawn and landscaping business. I'm helping them develop their social media and they make it possible for me to spend time working on my business.

Antonio, from Barter Kings says he can trade anything and come away with a better deal.

This television show focuses on trading up for items that are way more valuable. So what do you have in your storage and garage? I bet you've got a ton of stuff that ‘s tradable.

I hadn't realized that CraigsList has a Barter section, something that I'm going to start checking out. Not only that, we've got bicycles and a grill that need repair. What do you think I could trade for?

Barter Kings on the first episode show up to trade for a motocross bike for a couple of Gold Records from Elvis Presley. The guy broke his femur and his girlfriend told him to get rid of the bike. She likes Elvis so it looks like both got a great deal!

Antonio tells us that he never takes cash out when he's trading. His goal is to always trade straight up and if he's got cash, he's got temptation. He also says never be guilty walking away with a better deal.

As I watch the show, I remember as a kid, I used to make trades all the time. My boy, he's been into the trades too.  I wonder how long before he trades his iPod Touch.
If you really think about it, the barter game might just be the best game going now. Nobody wants to part with their cash, but they still want stuff. Everybody has stuff lying around that they don't use. Why not make the trade?


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