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Always Have a Backup Post

Alright, before anyone starts giving me a hard time for not posting, I have to tell you that I’ve just gotten over the worst cold I’ve ever had. I felt miserable the whole time and the thinking cap wasn’t working well.

I’ve got great news, while being sick, I’ve been able to actually clear my head from so many things and when that happens, the good stuff starts flowing. Its times like these, while you don’t want to have them, get you pumped up to come back firing on all cylinders.

This time off has exposed a weakness that I have, which is not having reserve posts written in the event that I’m unable to write. I’m confident my fired up state will get me ahead for any future days that I may not be able to actually write.

When you’re fired up, take and write at least one extra article that you don’t post unless absolutely necessary. Don’t go to crazy and do a ton of articles, just pace it so you’ve got your creative juices flowing for the next day. Keep from going into the burnout zone.

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