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Should You Be Grammatically Correct?

Just this morning I had a discussion with my wife about grammatically correct writing in my blog. This was an extension of a conversation with key people in the affiliate marketing industry. The conversation came up that what I consider to be an expressive way of writing may cause some not to read due to poor grammar.

I’ve never professed to be a great writer; I didn’t pay attention in school and quite frankly never learned how to be a great writer. I’ve always let creative thinking carry the conversation which have seems to have given me a pass, at least in my mind. Now, however it has come to my attention that I may be having readers dismiss my blog due to lack of grammatically correct writing skills.

When this happens both parties lose. Interestingly enough, my own wife said she is typically one of those people that would leave. Most likely you would add my personal friends to that list.

In the past, I’ve often had a similar conversation with a very close friend of mine who’s been in the publishing business all his life. I’ve asked him to proof read and correct my work, to which he often says he is reluctant to do so.

He believes that this takes away some of the personality in what I write, but my thought is if many people don’t read it because of that personality then am I getting the benefit of my efforts? I don’t think so and far better to have people read and miss some of my personality.

I had many discoveries at this Affiliate Summit, realizing that many bloggers are much different people than who they seem to be in their blog. Some of them I found to be much more interesting, while others aren’t that interesting after all.

It really makes you wonder who’s writing their blog. Still, I have to think that in order to connect with others, you have to earn their attention and respect. If that means having others correct your grammar or removing some personality from your blog, you should do it, the goal is to establish the relationship and if nobody reads, it doesn’t matter how strong your message is.

That’s why I’m now taking the first step and studying “The Elements of Style” by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White with the goal in mind of improving my writing and retaining those of you that might have otherwise left due to poor writing skills.

It’s my hope you’ll stick with me and as I get better, come back to read more. I’m sure the statistics will reflect a change.

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