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RuffleButts RuggedButts Bloomer Shark Tank Deal with Lori Greiner

RuffleButts - Shark Tank

RuffleButts Shark Tank Pitch

RuffleButts and Rugged Butts are put on kids all over the world. Amanda wanted to find the bloomers her mother put on her, but she could not find them so she created a new line.

RuffleButts sales the previous year is $3.7 million and predict $4.5 million for the pitch year. They hit #8 on Inc. 500 in their category. RuffleButts has around 2,000 skews. With a fashion line they have to keep it fresh and hip.

They are looking to build up their production line, and they are also seeking advice as they continue to grow and expand. The competition doesn't do exactly what they do.

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What do the Shark Tank Investors say about RuffleButts?

RuffleButts after Shark Tank

This deal did not close with Lori Greiner.

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