Foot Fairy is an app that measures your child's foot accurately. Dr. Shapiro and Nicole Brooks seek $75,000 to build out their free app and allowing them to earn affiliate commissions from their sales.
Foot Fairy is short lived after Shark Tank Deal
Foot Fairy launched three weeks before the Shark Tank pitch with 13,000 downloads. Nicole and Dr. Sapiro invested $2,600 in getting the current user base.
Lori Greiner asks if Zappo's is advertising their products through their App, but at this point, they are not. The Sharks suggest that Zappo's is a great partner for them.
Company: Foot Fairy
Entrepreneur: Dr. Silvie Shapiro(Podiatrist) and Nicole Brooks
Ask: $75,000 for 15% equity
Companies in this episode: Bakers Edge, Tie–Not, BzBox
Season: Season 5 Episode 529
Sharks: Mark Cuban, Barbara Corcoran, Kevin O'Leary, Lori Greiner, Robert Herjavec
First Aired:
Deal: Mark Cuban $100,000 for 40% equity with contingencies that the software tested proving it works.
What do the Shark Tank Investors say about Foot Fairy
- Mark Cuban is the last Shark to be in, and he asks what differentiates foot fairy from a world famous podiatrist. They respond their passion. He tells them if they say that one more time, he is out. So, Dr. Shapiro and Nicole come back to taking a year to get the accuracy right. Mark is afraid they will drive him batty, but he does the deal anyway with a contingency.
- Barbara Corcoran believes enthusiasm is not enough so, she is out.
- Kevin O'Leary Wants to know what they have that is proprietary; he can't see it. He is out.
- Lori Greiner is the first to go out, saying that they do not have a business yet.
- Robert Herjavec comments on their desire to hire a team of developers to build out their App. He states the Foot Fairy is duplicable; he is out.
Foot Fairy after Shark Tank
It looks like the Foot Fairy deal didn't happen, and the company failed after their Shark Tank appearance with only one comment in September of 2014. Their website is not functional.
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