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Fitdeck Fitness Training Card Deck Acquired after Shark Tank Appearance

FitDeck - Shark Tank

FitDeck Shark Tank Pitch

FitDeck is a custom deck of fitness playing cards that feature a different exercise. All you do is shuffle, pick your card and go.

FitDeck sells for $14.95 on their website and costs $2 to make. They have sold 500,000 in the last seven years, with 55,000 in the previous year for $650,000. Phil broke even the previous year. The majority of his expense is in updated websites and videos and research and development. They also have an App for the last six months at $9.99.

Phil was a Navy Seal and created his FitDeck based on a college game he played while attending Yale. He also attended Harvard Business School.

He chose FitDeck as his opportunity and he recognizes he has to go into the mobile side.

FitDeck Shark Tank Episode Data

What do the Shark Tank Investors say about FitDeck?

FitDeck after Shark Tank

The company ends up being acquired by Implus a few months after Phil Black's Shark Tank appearance. It looks like it worked out well for him even though he did not get the deal in Shark Tank.

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