Why would anyone want to attend BlogWorld and New Media Expo? After all, what can a person really learn at this conference?
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Quite a bit! With so many sessions happening for everyone from bloggers at home, to corporate bloggers, if you can't find great sessions that make every penny worthwhile, you aren't serious about blogging.
Besides the quality BlogWorld & New Media Expo Sessions, you are going to meet people that you have chatted with online, network with and maybe even cut a joint venture.
You would be amazed at how the super celebrity bloggers network with everyone else. They are serious about helping you, after all, most people that blog are genuinely interested in engaging with you so BlogWorld & New Media Expo would be the place to connect.
Add to not only a great conference to attend, consider that it's in Los Angeles, an incredibly fun place to hang out and be. Take a few extra days and enjoy the sites. You'll love the weather, especially if you live somewhere that's getting cold this time of the year!
I might some really incredible bloggers in New York City at the Eastern version of BlogWorld & New Media Expo and got to hang out with friends as well. We even attended a Broadway Show, “Spider-man” and it was GREAT.
Consider this, people like Jeffery Hayzlett, Gary Vaynerchuk, Chris Brogan, Mark Burnett, Adam Carolla, John Chow, Brian Clark, Jared Polin, Chris Pirillo and Darren Rowse attend these events. Chances are, you can go up, introduce yourself and make your mark in the blogging world. You'll be amazed at how great all of these Super Star Bloggers are.
Maybe you would like to become a corporate blogger? Then you might think about checking out BlogWorld & New Media Expo to find companies that are serious about blogging and social media for their business. It's all going to be here and you don't want to miss it.