The Blog World and New Media Expo 2011 offers a 30% discount if you purchase your pass on or before the 21st. The event is happening in Los Angeles, November 3rd through 5th at the Los Angeles Convention Center, which is a great time to be in LA, especially if you live in the midwest, like I do.
The conference is actually called Blog World and New Media Expo 2011. It features numerous speakers who I will be profiling and provides educational sessions that provide fantastic content.
I attended the first New York City Blog World and New Media Expo 2011 earlier in the year held at the Javitts Center. Again, I walked away with new connections, great information and thought the trip was an overwhelming success. I would highly recommend attending this event.
This conference covers blogging for everyone from individual bloggers to corporate bloggers.
Major sponsors include
- Ford
- .me domains
- .tv domains
- Southwest Airlines
- Technorati Media
- Century 21
- Mashable
- Social Moms
- PR Newswire
- and many more.
I made connections on the exhibit floor and in the educational sessions as well as the social parties. I was able to connect up with people that I met online and actually spend face to face time with them discussing opportunities.
So why should you attend Blog World and New Media Expo 2011? Probably because no matter what level you are at, you'll find that connecting with like minded people will help you learn about new products and services, teach you about unique strategies and position you to increase the strength of your network online.
If you don't think the full pass in order, consider at least getting a two day pass. This is your opportunity to make connections at an affordable price, get your feet wet and then plan to do more at the next Blog World and Media Expo.
Los Angeles is a great place to go, the Hotels are awesome and attractions are great. You might even consider taking a couple extra days to check out the city.
Look for my up coming features on sponsors and speakers.