Alpha M's Aaron Marino steps into Shark Tank for the second time to pitch his new company, Pete & Pedro, hair styling products geared towards men. Aaron first trip on Shark Tank featured Alpha M Styling System. He figured out that the price point is too high, and found a product at a better price point.
Aaron's pitches Pete and Pedro but Sharks want Alpha M.
- Season: 7 Episode 729
- First Run: 5/20/2016
- Sharks: Mark Cuban, Barbara Corcoran, Kevin O'Leary, Lori Greiner, Robert Herjavec
- Company: Pete & Pedro
- Entrepreneurs: Aaron Morino
- Company Website:
- Ask: $100,000 for 10% equity
- Deal: Barbara Corcoran for the Alpha M Channel – $100,000 for 10% equity. The deal did not close.
Aaron only sold 1 Alpha M Style System after his appearance on Shark Tank. Pete & Pedro is already ahead of the game with over a million dollars in sales. His sales are $55,000 for the month coming into the Shark Tank and have over 600,00 followers on YouTube. Aaron claims he is a savage on social media.
He will get 75,000 views in the first 24 hours, and he has around a 9% conversion rate on YouTube. Alpha M has sponsors on the YouTube channel including JC Penny and Chevrolet for the new Corvette.
Aaron is offering the Pete & Pedro product, but not the other part of his business including himself as a social media personality.
Aaron is not going to get a deal because he won't give a piece of all the action.
What the Sharks say about Pete & Pedro and Alpha M
- Kevin O'Leary makes Aaron an offer. Alpha M Channel social media channel merges with Pete and Pedro for $100,00 at 20% equity. Kevin will help drive as much traffic as he can to Aaron's channels.Aaron calls his offer a haircut. Aaron said Kevin doesn't bring the value to this deal.
- Lori Greiner said she doesn't get it, this is not for her, and she is out.
- Robert Herjavec recognizes that Aaron Marino drives traffic, but he doesn't know which one you are. Are you Alpha M or Pete and Pedro. Robert offers $100,000 for 20% of the combined businesses.Robert asks Aaron if there is a counter and Aaron said $300,000 for 10%. Barbara said that she would do half of the deal. Robert countered giving him $100,000 for 10% of the business no matter what Aaron sells.
- Barbara Corcoran makes Aaron an offer for $100,000 for 10% of his Alpha M Social Media business. Aaron moved over to Barbara and said, 10% of Alpha M, let's do it. They made the deal on the show, but in the end, the deal did not close.
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