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A Great Way To Come Up With Blog Topics

Here’s a simple strategy for coming up with great ideas for blog topics. My friend has a notepad with him everywhere he goes. He’s constantly taking notes, even when he’s at a basketball game. This friend is highly successful and very confident. Every minute of his life is productive. Obviously, that note pad has been an important part of his success.

His process has inspired me to also keep a notepad. When I see something of interest, I’m making sure to record it. When I’ve captured that interest, I can go back and research it later. My life experience has taught me that big ideas often happen when I least expect it. Keeping that notepad with me ensures that I won’t miss out on a great idea.

There’s a strong possibility that any idea I put in my notepad will be researched at a later date. That means that I’ll develop knowledge for an idea which can easily be converted into content for my blog.

Finding a topic to write about is a major obstacle for many people trying to write a blog. At first, it was a big issue for me, but with that notepad, it’s no longer an issue.  I not only have the topic covered, I have the content to go with the topic.

I’ve heard people voice concern that their ideas would be stolen if shared. I don’t worry about that. The biggest barrier to anyone who would steal your idea is actually doing the work. Most people that think about stealing ideas aren’t willing to do the work.

The greater risk is missing out on someone who could potentially partner with me to make my idea work. I’m not willing to risk missing out on opportunity because I wanted to protect my idea.

There you have it… A great source for blog topics

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