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The Blog Project – Day 1

We all want to know how to make money from a blog, yet few of us actually have done any work to make it happen. Most of us don’t even know how to launch a blog. That’s why I decided to do another blog, starting from scratch, without anyone knowing that I own the blog.

The project will be documented and turned into an online course once I prove I can build and produce a blog that makes enough money to replace a healthy income. In fact, my goal is to take this blog from zero to $100,000 in just twelve months without using any relationship that I currently have that would not be available to anyone who is starting a blog.

This is going to be a challenge, but the idea is to create a solid road map, a plan that can work for anyone with specific instructions on how to make their dream happen.

I’ll post updates on my blog so you know the actual progress of what’s happening along the way. I’ll even tell you what tools I’m using to put this whole deal together.

The First Step: Purchased a Domain Name

The first step that I’ve taken is picking and registering a domain name with GoDaddy. I looked for a simple domain name and didn’t concern myself with the keyword in the domain. I instead wanted to make it catchy and that it is. Remember, I can’t tell you anything specific that would help you find this blog.

Second Step: Purchased Web Hosting

The next step for me is to choose a hosting company. In this case, I have picked GoDaddy for the host. I have an account that is kind of expensive for startup hosting but offers a static IP, and SSL with the account. They say I can have as many domains and unlimited websites with the account, I’m likely just to stick with the one site.

Third Step: Installed WordPress

I setup WordPress and used GoDaddy’s installation tool. I have hosting accounts with Rochen Performance hosting (where this blog is hosted) and Host Gator (which came highly recommended by John Chow). I prefer the installation tool available through the CPANEL found at both Rochen and Host Gator as opposed to GoDaddy.  GoDaddy takes by far the longest time to setup a blog and hosting space.

Fourth Step: Installed Genesis SEO Theme Package

My fourth step included installing a theme to sit on top of WordPress. This might sound more complicated than it is. Installing the theme on top of WordPress actually makes building a blog more user-friendly. You are able to use tools to customize your blog and make it look more professional.

I installed the Prose Genesis theme from Studio Press. Their packages have been great and have been used on all my sites after first experimenting with a few different packages. I haven’t second guessed my choice yet.

During the entire process, I also setup an email account that connected to the new domain name. This allows me to stay consistent with the identity on the new site.

After I completed the new email setup, I also setup a Google Account. I will be setting up a separate company for this site so I want to register with affiliate marketing companies and Google Adsense separately.

That’s it for the day. I will be posting more details showing specifically how I have done each part so almost anyone can do what I’m doing. I look forward to moving on to the next step and keeping you posted on the progress.

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