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Parallax home page design

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Parallax home page design makes images and content flow together as you scroll through your web page. The visual aspect makes your website look unique and professional.

Each section glides into or over the next part of your website giving an animated impact without using actual video on your site. And, if you want, you may choose to use video as a background creating even more action.

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Creating a Parallax home page design for your website

Creating Parallax home page design requires an understanding of how to make the images and content sections flow in a page. Proper image size and placement is critical to making your page display properly. Great Parallax design requires a designer that understands the layout to make it work properly.

Having a Parallax home page design offers visually appealing aspects that other websites lack.

Select images that are visually pleasing as a background. Avoid images with text as the focal point. Your content will likely roll over the picture. The background scenery is the best for Parallax images.

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Multiple content sections work well as the parallax design creates unique break points on your page.

Using Parallax is best with multiple images and content sections. Place your pictures in the Sections between your specific content to identify section breaks on your page.

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Creating a Parallax home page with DIVI

DIVI offers Parallax design features. ElegantThemes created DIVI as a framework to build websites in WordPress. My sites use DIVI, and I can build one for you. Set yourself up with DIVI and try it out. If you need help, just hire me to finish it for you.

Widget areas are in abundance when you use DIVI with a field to name the unique part of your web page. Updates are a breeze allowing you to open the widget and then change the content.


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