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Moma’s MilkBox Breastfeeding clothes subscription Shark Tank

Moma's Milkbox - Shark Tank

Mama's MilkBox Shark Tank Pitch

Elena Petzold is pitching Mama's MilkBox, a company that creates breastfeeding nursing tops that delivers right to the door via subscription service. The client has three days to try on the clothes, and mailbox the items that they don't want. They will get a new shipment in six weeks.

Mama's Milkbox gives a 10% discount of the subscriber takes all the tops in the box. Customers will be charged for the tops they keep. She has a 50% margin on other brands tops. Sales last year are $83,000 as a side business. This year she has $84,000 and has $120,000 in inventory.

She started the business with $11,000 and did a line of credit for $40,000 and is debt, plus she has $27,000 on credit cards. She cannot tell what her inventory cost her which is going to kills this deal.

Elena has two other people working in their business.

Mama's MilkBox Episode Data

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