You might be interested in blogging for your business, but you don’t understand it, and nobody can give you a legitimate reason you should invest your valuable time doing it. I get it. I, like you, have had hundreds maybe thousands of people approach me with ideas that didn’t make sense.
This is different if you’re first able to get the right help. Sure, blogging without focus is a big waste of time, especially if you don’t work your business. It takes more than setting up a blog to have success. The right content is critical to your success.
Before starting, think strongly about going with the foundation that many professionals use. The road to success will be faster and cost less than going cheap from the start. The right tools are very affordable and you won’t have to leverage the house to get them.
When you have the right foundation in place you want to put the secret sauce in. Build the best content that targets the questions that your target audience searches for. For example, Doctors should write about procedures they do and questions asked before work is done.
The blog becomes an incredible selling tool and has potential to outperform other marketing strategies. The more potential clients read the greater chance you will secure them as a client.
I would bet that your best way to sell is face to face with your client. Once they know you, they are more likely to buy from you if you leave them with a great first impression. Why not use blogging to leverage that first impression. You can control the message on a blog that works for you twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, even on Christmas, when I’m writing this post.
If you have a small business or are interested in starting one, I strongly suggest that you subscribe to this blog. I’m moving to be more focused on small business owners and entrepreneurs who want to know more about blogging.