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Rent Like a Champion – Mark Cuban Chris Sacca Shark Tank Deal Update

Rent Like a Champion - Shark Tank

Rent Like a Champion locates homes near college gameday venues. Mike and T. Drew Mitchell focus on big stadiums and line up homes in the stadium area.

They have processed 6.1 million dollars worth of rentals that earned them 1.4 million dollars in fees. Out of 4,000 rentals, they have handled 1.4 percent claims. The average claim against the deposit amounted to $98.

Rent Like a Champion focuses on different markets than AirBnB

Airbnb focuses on higher populated cities while Rent Like a Champion focuses on rural, large game venue places. They don't have a ton of inventory in the areas that they broker the rentals.

South Bend, Indiana is their biggest market. They had 200 homes the previous year. The company is debt free. They have no outside investors.

Company: Rent Like a Champion
Entrepreneur: Mike Doyle and T. Drew Mitchell
Ask: $200,000 for 10% equity
Companies in this episode: Rent Like a Champion, Hotshot, Windcatcher Technology, Stem Center, S.W.A.G.
Season: Season 7 Episode 706 
Sharks: Mark Cuban, Chris Sacca, Kevin O'Leary, Lori Greiner, Robert Herjavec
First Aired: 10/30/2015
Deal: Chris Sacca and Mark Cuban $200,000 for 10%

What do the Shark Tank Investors say about Rent Like a Champion

Rent Like a Champion after Shark Tank

Rent Like a Champion is now doing other venues besides college football. They do golf, NASCAR, and more.

They have done over thirteen million dollars in rentals on over 4,000 homes. Representatives go into communities and pitch their home rentals with parties for other homeowners to see how they work.

They provide homes for PGA tourneys, specifically for the staff that runs the tournaments.

Making a Deal with Chris and Mark proves to be huge for their band and recognition in the sports world.

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