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Nail Pak evolves into Grace Nail Company after Lori Greiner Shark Tank Deal

Nail Pak - Shark Tank

Nail Pak is a four-in-one nail polish kits from Duality Cosmetics pitched in Shark Tank Season 3. Nail Pak includes nail polish, remover, file and pads in a convenient polish bottle kit. Throw it in your purse, and you have everything you need to do touch-ups or change your polish anywhere.

Nail Pak founder, Barbara has six girls who do Nail Nights

Barbara Lampugnale has six girls, and they would do nail nights when she came up with the idea for Nail Pak. Her nail nights are on Sunday nights. Changing your manicure is as easy as changing your mind.

The cost to make one bottle of Nail Pak is $3 and sells for $14.99 based on manufacturing runs of 10,000 runs. She applied for the patent ten months previous to appearing on Shark Tank and has invested $300,000.

Her husband is a real estate developer, but the last couple years has been challenging. She has no investors, and that's why she is in Shark Tank.

Company: Nail Pak
Entrepreneur: Barbara Lampugnale
From: West Hartford Connecticut.
Ask: $ 50k for 20% equity
Companies on this episode: Talbott Teas(update), Debbie Brooks Handbags, Trimi Tanks, Lollacup
Season: Season 3 Episode 312
Sharks: Mark Cuban, Daymond John, Kevin O'Leary, Lori Greiner, Robert Herjavec
First Aired: 04/27/2012
Deal: Lori Greiner gives her $50,000 for 40%

What do the Shark Tank Investors say about Nail Pak

Nail Pak after Shark Tank?

Nail Pak appeared to do well after Shark Tank with Lori Greiner selling their product on QVC, but sometime in 2014, the product disappeared, supposedly with a deal brewing with other companies. The result? Nothing new from Duality Cosmetics, or Lori Greiner.

What is interesting is that Barbara Lampagnale started a new company, utilizing the Nail Pak design, calling it a Manicure in a Bottle. The new company launched in 2014, and selling online is Grace Nail Company. The Grace Nail Company site even includes an “As Seen On Shark Tank” burb on the home page.

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