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John Chow Features Travis Ketchum Webinar on Blog Profits

John Chow has been doing a series of Webinars showcasing talented people in the online marketing world. The session starts off with John Chow telling his story how he became one of the most well known and profitable blogs on the net.

John tells about how he gets emails from people who start blogs on how to make money asking how to make money! He points out that you need to write about something other than making money especially if you have never made money online. Write about what you know about.

John says that he turned his blog into a case study to see if he could make money on his personal blog, he said now it's a full blown business, and not a hobby. He says you have to treat your blog as a business.

He notes that most people don't take their blogs seriously because the investment is minimal, but it's a serious  business if you work at it and treat it like a business and work it as such.

John speaks about building his business with lists and spending money to get repeat customers. He wants you to come back over and over. This isn't simply placing an advertisement to get the one time click, he's talking about connecting with them so he can have a personal relationship with each person and increase his return on investment.

John talks about a series of emails, starting out with relationship building emails. He waits until he feels that he has established trust with his audience. He doesn't like to be pushy, he says he uses the soft sell.

He talked about being removed from Google for pushing a strategy that got him banned from Google, and was able to survive for years without any Google traffic, of course, he's now back on Google, but he works extra hard to have a customer base.

There is a replay that will be published on both Travis Ketchum's blog as well as on John Chow's. It will be worth your time to listen to both of them.



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