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Is Satan real? How do we know?

Do you struggle with the idea of Satan? I did for the longest time, but I’ve come to believe he is real and that he rules this world working diligently to separate us from Christ.

My biggest issue is that how do we know what Satan looks like? Does he walk the earth appearing as a person or possessing a person? What about demons? Do they take form as black shadows, something I’ve never seen before?

Does Satan possess an individual like the ones where it seems everything they do is evil and demonic?

It’s easy to say that someone is evil when they do nasty things to us and others, but are they really evil people who are possessed by satan?

I questoned Satan's existence when I first started following Christ

I began to really question Satan’s existence when I first started following Christ. I no longer believed that people themselves were evil, but as I have grown with Christ, I now know that Satan and it’s demons are working overtime trying to get us to commit sin, disguising themselves as good, and angels of God. 

No longer do I believe that a person is satan or a demon, but that demons are constantly working on us to do bad things, often tempting them into believing that these things are good.

Nobody has literally Viewed Satan, but he exists, and we have to keep our focus turning away, and potentially saying, “Get behind me Satan,” choosing Christ over him.

Satan is the source of sin, beginning with Adam and Eve, with Eve being tempted by Satan, and encouraging Adam to sin. Thereby beginning the struggle of separation from God.

We are living in a wold that is full of demons, controlled by Satan, even Jesus said Satan is the ruler of this world.

Demons are at work everywhere, even inside your church community. They are trying to infiltrate every part of your life, and you likely don’t know it because their work often appears good but ends in devastation.

Satan's Work in The Church

A great example of Satan working in the church is manipulating someone who is lonely and desperate, walking in to the church and meeting someone who is also lonely and desperate. What happens is the couple quickly connects without getting to know each other further, believing that their relationship was a gift from God because they met in Church.

They quickly get married and then the marriage implodes quickly as they get to know the real person they just married.

The new couple often turns away from church after having this experience and they end up blaming God for setting them up with the wrong person. It’s back to their old ways.

You might wonder why God doesn’t intervene, but he usually does through council from mentors and clergy in the church. The couple doesn’t listen because they are so determined that it their partner is a gift from God, but they don’t remember this when the marriage blows up.

Sometimes affairs happen in Church with the new couple claiming that God brought them together, while their spouse is devastated after being faithful and is left embarrassed and hurt by the betrayal. This is not of God, but is Satan’s work, even though it feels good.

This type of relationship is a sign of demonic activity that is influencing Christians to do something that goes against God’s will, even saying it is God’s will. This situation is not God’s will.

These situations dig deep and hurt far more than the couples involved. It impacts your brother’s and sister’s that are in your Church family and may leave them questioning why God would allow this to happen.

The answer is free will. Free Will gives satan an incredible amount of power, and it also gives us the opportunity to reject Satan and choose God.

Satan is a source of stress, anxiety, and guilt brought on by us telling white lies so that we don’t hurt our friends and family. We worry about making them mad and turning against us if we say the truth, opting to make them feel as though we accept behavior that we would not otherwise approve of.

The lies are deceptive and create resentment that is hard to overcome because the person that the resentment is directed towards does not know how to deal with it.

Satan may be the source of doing good, but doing it for the wrong reasons, and the punishment comes down the road.

I had a girlfriend that quit drinking for me, after I got so mad it her because I did wrong to protect her. She was desperate and did not want to lose me, but it resulted in a resentment that could not be overcome. She resented me because she gave up drinking for me, when she should have given up drinking for herself and her relationship with Christ. 

Satan's Ability to Create Resentment

The good is that she quit drinking, the bad is that evil worked her over, resenting me as being the reason she gave up something that she loved. We lost one of my most cherished relationships. That hurt.

Thankfully, I’ve come to understand why this happened by growing with Christ, and understanding how demons impact us. I was able to let it go by giving her to Christ, and focusing on my relationship with Him.

If you are like me, you’ll probably soak in some of what I am saying and have to continue your journey as you learn more about how Satan works, and the impact of demons. You might not buy into how I see it, and that’s okay.

This is where I have come to when it comes to Satan and demons. I’m still learning, but this makes sense and I believe this fits with a Biblical definition as well. 

Let me know your thoughts. Do you have a different view of what Satan and demons look like? Maybe you don’t believe in Satan, but if you are a Christian, it’s pretty difficult to deny that Satan exists as it is Biblical.

Thanks for reading, and have a blessed day!

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