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Ice Age Meals – Shark Tank Pitch and after Show Update No Deal

Ice Age Meals - Shark Tank

Ice Age Meals Shark Tank Pitch

Paleo Nick brings his company, Ice Age Meals into Shark Tank Season 8 with a plan to simplify healthy meals that are focused on the Paleo diet. All meals around 500 Calories.  The Paleo Diet is Meat and vegetables, nuts and needs, some fruits, and little starch and sugar.

Ice Age Meals have been selling for about a year and amount to $1.5 million in sales. Last month he did $135,000 in sales. He was the chef for Lance Armstrong for several years, and started meshing his two passions. He is negotiating with CrossFit who flew them to their offices, and just met with them the day before his Shark Tank pitch.

Nick believes that Ice Age Meals will be a billion dollar business. He is following an existing company's model and feels he can duplicate it.

Ice Age Meals Episode Data

What do the Shark Tank Investors say about Ice Age Meals?

Ice Age Meals after Shark Tank

Ice Age Meals have over 10,000 customers, sold over $1,000,000 in the forty-five days following their Shark Tank episode, performed three rounds of lab testing, and much more. The company is impressive, in that they are aggressively growing the business, and quality of the company.

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