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Garage Door Lock electronic locking unit Shark Tank Pitch deal

Garage Door Lock - Shark Tank

Garage Door Lock Shark Tank Pitch

Bryan White claims that our garages are not locked, and we need Garage Door Lock to protect our property and keep thieves from getting in.

Kevin wants to know why the garage door company doesn't just install the same type of lock system.

They have sold 459 for $249.95 coming to about $112,000.  The biggest problem he has is educating the marketplace. He did a video in 2010, but has not done any follow up with another video.

He invested $250,000 plus the patent investment to get the product started.

Garage Door Lock Episode Data

What do the Shark Tank Investors say about Garage Door Lock?

Garage Door Lock after Shark Tank

The Garage Door Lock system was too expensive to produce as is, so they found a new company to reengineer the lock and reduce costs. Daymond John proved key to getting this done with Guardian.

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