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A Single Step towards the Right Stuff

Taking a single step is the first step for those seeking change in life. Doing so by the day, even by the hour, for a different outcome. Making changes is possible every day. I know my life is proof, yet still not enough to make it want I want on my own.

That single step has to be the next step toward change. When we get it right, we need to keep repeating the steps. We are on our way to living well, living in the recovery of our past.

I’ve slowly made changes using a task list to keep on track. Sometimes we do things that don’t seem necessary at the moment but compound over time to live a better life. 

A single step for what God wants for us

Taking a single step starts by doing what is right. What God wants for us, not what we want for ourselves.  We must wake up each morning and keep moving in that direction, building upon the day before.

Making changes takes time, and lasting changes are done repeatedly but always start with a single step. When we find a simple step, we need to keep doing it. 

“Therefore, since such a huge crowd of witnesses surrounds us in the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.”

—Hebrews 12:1

Your life may not seem to change when you do a single step at a time, but as you add to those steps, you begin to get different results. Those results become visible to others and eventually will become visible to yourself. That’s why I recommend using a task list that repeats with frequency. Use a task list to check your steps and record your progress. 

Surround yourself with like-minded people who are focused on changing their life the way you are and will encourage you through their actions, not their words, as they overcome their challenges.

Most importantly, lean on God to take the lead, helping you to take a single step, the right step towards overcoming anything and everything that is challenging in your life. He is always there for you if you seek Him.


Dear Father, 

I am blessed beyond belief, yet I am being led through difficult times, knowing that you are conditioning me for change to take a step towards what you desire and plan for my life. Each day offers the opportunity to experience a better life than the day before, getting closer to you. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.

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